Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today, we read parts of the stories below--Animals Born Alive and Well and Miles and Miles of Reptiles--to learn characteristics/traits of mammals and of reptiles. We then played a game with photos of animals and sorted them into categories--Mammal or Reptile.




Using 3 different-sized pails (small, medium, large), water, and a 1-cup measuring cup, we did a measuring activity.  For each different-sized pail, children made a guess as to how many cups of water would fill the bucket.  Using number stickers, children indicated their guess on their paper (see photo below).  After measuring the water, children would then use a number sticker to indicate how many cups of water it actually took to fill the pail.

 Making our guesses of how many cups will fit into the medium-sized pail.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This week we have been reciting the nursery rhyme, "Jack and Jill". We have identified the rhyming words and added a "twist" to the nursery rhyme by saying it classmates' names which begin with the same sound (i.e. Maggie and Michael went up the hill...). Also, we discussed what the word "crown" means in this nursery rhyme and came up with other words for "tumbling". Today, each child received a nursery rhyme folder which will include a copy of all the nursery rhymes we do this year. Children can color the pictures which go along with the nursery rhyme.


In the next 2 weeks, look for your child to bring home a class book called "My Viking Friends" in a special carrying bag. The book is filled with photos of Pre-K "A" classmates, teachers, and other school personnel your child has met during the first few weeks of school. Please spend a few minutes letting your child share this book with you. Your child should sign his/her first name on the last page and return the book in the bag to school the following day so another child can have a turn to take it home. Enjoy!


During our morning snack time, we have introduced the children to "table talk". At some point during snack, the teacher provides the class with a question or topic to discuss with classmates at their table while eating snack. Each child at the table has the opportunity to answer the question or has the option to "pass". Today's question was, "What do you like to eat for breakfast?"


In the activity below, children choose a card with a number from a pile of cards and color the corresponding number of apples on the apple tree. They continue to choose cards until they have all 100 of the apples colored! This activity is great for numeral recognition, counting, and 1-to-1 correspondence.

Today we introduced a new activity at Free Choice--Classmate Memory. The children in the photos below are setting it up and playing it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Children enjoyed the many new activities presented and offered at Free Choice today.......

A train track was added to the construction zone.

Tubes were added to the construction zone.

Children could paint with toothbrushes at the easel.

Below is an example of a magnet activity offered on the Discovery Shelf.


Today we read the book, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves". This was a great story for the season of Fall. Be sure to ask your child what happens at the end of the story!


To remind Pre-K children of the sound of the week, we gave each of them a set of teeth. Hopefully, this will help them in finding interesting items that begin with the /T/ sound to bring in for Sound Box.

Friday, September 24, 2010


In the photo below, there are 2 jars containing different sizes and different amounts of marshmallows. Each child was asked to determine which jar he/she thought had the Most MarshMallows! At the end of the morning, we counted how many marshmallows were in each jar. Be sure to ask your child which jar had the most!